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You already know the routine. Every morning it seems impossible for you to get out of bed for work. Even though you may have slept the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep, you still feel tired.
Coffee, tea, or other caffeine products may help for a while, but you know eventually they will wear off and leave you with that post-morning crashing feeling and you're ready for a nap!
The feeling of fatigue reduced energy, and the lack of desire or stamina to perform tasks make it difficult to think clearly, react quickly, or stay focused. The result is decreased work productivity and an increased risk of injury. While the effects may be detrimental to your job performance and/or safety, they may also have a negative effect on the dynamics of the entire office or worksite and could potentially put your coworkers in danger, depending on your industry.
According to the National Safety Council (NSC), fatigue is a growing problem affecting the workforce. Research estimates that 13% of workplace injuries can be attributed to fatigue, and 43% of Americans admit they may be too tired to function safely at work.
A report from the NSC on the prevalence of fatigue in the American workforce, Fatigue in the Workplace: Causes & Consequences of Employee Fatigue, breaks down a probability-based survey of more than 2,000 working adults and their experience with fatigue.
The report shows that 97% of workers have at least one workplace fatigue risk factor and more than 80% have two or more. When multiple risk factors are present, the potential for injuries on the job increases.
Causes of fatigue can be job-related, personal, or a combination of both. They can result from a disorder, behavior, or short-term activity that disrupts sleep or accumulates over time.
Some examples include:
Fortunately, there are several things that you can do to promote good sleep habits and better sleep hygiene. However, if you have a sleep disorder, the solutions are a little more complicated.
If your sleep routine needs an overhaul, the best and quickest remedies would be to implement the following:
If you suffer from a sleep disorder, like sleep apnea, insomnia, or RLS, seeking treatment from a physician may be your only solution. In most cases, it requires a trip to your doctor to make an evaluation based on your signs and symptoms and sleep history, and then you will most likely be referred to a sleep disorder center. A sleep specialist can help you determine your need for further evaluation, which often involves overnight monitoring at a sleep center or a home sleep test to measure your breathing and other body functions during sleep.
An option that is available for a preliminary evaluation to determine whether you are at risk for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a software program called DROWZLE®. This app uses your smartphone to collect symptom data and analyze sleep breathing sounds and patterns. It works from your own nightstand and doesn’t interrupt your natural sleep habits, so it captures an accurate picture of your sleep breathing sounds and gaps. The test is done overnight and provides you with a comprehensive report in the morning.
If your diagnosis confirms the presence of OSA -- particularly moderate to severe-- you are advised to seek treatment from a doctor. Your doctor may prescribe continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which involves wearing a mask that directs a steady stream of air into your airway while you sleep.
When CPAP is not an option, or you prefer a different approach, a Certified Sleep Dentist can fit you with a custom-made oral appliance as a comparable alternative. These devices are worn in your mouth while you sleep to move the jaw slightly in a forward position during sleep to keep the upper airway open. They can treat apnea, reduce snoring, and prevent teeth grinding, or bruxism – which commonly occurs in people with sleep apnea. Oral appliances are non-invasive, comfortable to wear, and the cost is covered by most medical insurance plans.
No matter what issue or situation is causing your fatigue, treating it can have a lasting effect on your overall health and wellbeing. A chronically fatigued individual may not only have negatively affected work performance and an increased risk of injury on the job, but they are also likely to become more susceptible to health problems like cancer, diabetes, stroke and heart disease.
If you think that your fatigue is more serious and normal behavior changes are not helping, be sure to contact your doctor for a complete evaluation.
Be safe and sleep well!
--Certified Sleep Dentists at Pittsburgh Dental Sleep Medicine are always available to help treat individuals who are affected by Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Chronic Snoring, and Teeth Grinding, (Bruxism). If you, or anyone you know, is in need of a solution, you can contact us on our website or call our office at (724)935-6670.
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